A brilliant white bolt of burning plasma takes your would-be assassin in the chest, knocking him backwards and taking his life as it melts through his armour. You kneel by him as a security droid arrives. Seeing signs of life in his eyes, though he is beyond help, you ask who sent him to kill you. 'One of the Lords...' His words are choked off by a rattling cough as the blood from his lungs begins to spill from his mouth and death takes him.

The security droid hovers towards you, its stun-lance aimed. You hand over your identification and report what happened. A message appears in red on the screen set in the droid's chest. 'ID - Passed. Your story coincides with videographic evidence. A report will be filed. Please continue your business.'And it begins to drag the body of your assailant out of the bay. Turn to 336.

Turn to 336