You sense that your Thinkstrike has succeeded but still the mental power exists inside the ambulance, confirming that t h e Renegade Lord is the Creche, the six Hiver beings that form one mind. You run up to the ambulance but before you arrive its front explodes and a flyer accelerates out of it, the Hivers clinging on inside the honeycomb-like seats. The Creche skim low through the smoke of the battlefield, almost faster than the eye can see, making a sonic boom like the explosion of a powder magazine, the ammunition stores for the cannon. As they go you catch the thought that they are heading for the planet Hel. Do you:
Try to control Napoleon's mind and use him to call off the attack? | Turn to 37 |
Return to Falcon's Wing and chase the Creche to the planet Hel? | Turn to 84 |