'Looks like you've done some expensive damage here,' says one of the Enforcers. 'I think well have to take you in.'He points his stun-lance at you. 'Just what you'd expect from a SAT. They give them all these wonderful toys and helmets that let them look into honest men's minds and what do they do, pop off their blasters, like they've just escaped from the incubator.' The first motions you into the jetcopter with his lance.

'Hold on,' says the other, 'this tin-can carries a Particle Disruptor.'After further examination he consults his RAT.

This is an ex-SAT security droid, a banned model, apparently they were unpredictable. Funny that, you being a SAT agent, wouldn't you say? Anyway just our luck, you've won yourself 50 creds bounty for eliminating this junk here!' The other Enforcer spits in disgust and they turn on their heels and climb in, bathing you with the 'copter's hot exhaust as they take off. You continue on your way to the hovrail. Turn to 169.

Turn to 169