Cautiously, you shadow Lord Silvermane from the Eiger Vault to the hovrail, summoning a hovcar with which to follow him, using your RAT. Silvermane also consults his RAT, but for longer than the time needed to summon a hovcar, even for an alien. Before he enters his hovcar, AgidyYelov's call-sign flashes on your micro-display. You accept his transmission and he asks you how your investigation is progressing. You reply that it has not progressed far, but give a brief report. Yelov thanks you and breaks contact. You enter a hovcar and lock it onto the trail of Silvermane and follow him. An hour later he debarks at the GalacticTrade Centre. As your own hovcar glides to a halt, Yelov calls you to his office at TIME headquarters, a journey which takes a further fifty minutes. He cannot see you immediately and you wait for over an hour before deciding to return to the Eiger Vault. As you approach its gates you are suddenly engulfed in blackness. Then you find yourself in a smoke-filled shelter, a fugitive from an alien race on your own world. The past has been changed and your memories with it. You leap out of the shelter to hurl a grenade at a strange alien craft on the street above you... As Falcon, Agent of TIME, you have failed.