[Score a G]

You seize control of Lord Silvermane's mind, after a brief battle of wills. You send a question to him, demanding whether he is guilty of the tampering with Kelados' past, but his conscience is clean, it seems he is not your man. As you relinquish control you catch him thinking that, if anyone, it is likely to be Lord Speke. Lord Silvermane becomes outraged, but you quickly apologise and tell him of your mission. He grows alarmed, but compliments you, saying: 'Never have I striven with so strong a will. You may find that implanting the suggestion of extreme hunger in the mind of your victim will make domination even easier for you.' You thank him and take the advice to heart. Add one to your Power of Will Modifier. He says: 'I would help you further, but it is not my place to risk a diplomatic incident by compromising one of my fellow Lords. However, I shall report to Agidy Yelov.' You bid him well and return to your Time Machine, Turn to 119.

Turn to 119