At this close range it is difficult to miss completely and you shear the general in two with a blast of white-hot energy. You have missed the other, however, and he screams the alarm as he throws himself on you, willing to give his life to save his Khan. You have no choice but to order the guardsmen under your control to attack him. While they battle you slip through the door. Inside is a bedchamber, and sitting on a larger litter, swaddled in silks and furs, is Ogedai Khan, still weak from his illness. He looks up, his narrow eyes questioning your purpose, Golden statues, chests of treasure and tapestries line the walls. Silk awnings close off the balcony at the back of the room. You sense that your controlled guards will soon be defeated. You do not have much time. Knowing what must be done and hoping to make his death seem natural you place a silken cushion over Ugedai's face and press down. His hands scrabble feebly at yours, but he is too weak to resist. His face turns blue as he dies. Suddenly the door swings open and several members of the Imperial Guard run in and charge at you. You try to dive through the awning to the balcony. Make an Evasion Roll.

6,7,8,9,10,11,12 Turn to 189
2,3,4,5 Turn to 201