You throw yourself behind a plasteel container but are too late. Unluckily for you, this is a very advanced model and the Particle Disrupter catches your side, and uniform and flesh fizz to nothing. The siren wail of an approaching Citpol jetcopter sounds more than pleasant as you wait for the cydroid to appear behind the container. Instead it makes a superhuman leap to the edge of the loading bay and drops fifty feet to the level below, cracking the streetmetal on impact. Unaffected by the cloud of sparks this causes it disappears into the maze of the city's traffic lanes. You drag yourself to your feet in time to greet the two Enforcers who alight from the jetcopter. There are always two of the City Police, and they both cover you with their stun- lances. 'Let's see your ID.' You produce your ID chip and hand it to the one who spoke, still covered by the other. He clips it into the Remote Access Terminal (RAT) on his arm and a look of disappointment crosses his features as he sees you are a genuine SAT. 'Fun and games on your first day, eh? What have you to say for yourself?' You report exactly what happened and the Enforcer hands back your ID chip, saying, 'A file of your statement will be flashed to your Section Chief.'

The second says, 'I have summoned an ambulance - they'll look after you.' He leaves a Homing Beacon for the ambulance and they take off. Soon, the Health Executive ambulance is hovering above you. Two medtechs jump down with a stretcher and you are soon within one of the Autodocs, an outdated model. Your vapourised tissue is regenerated at an incredible rate, but a wound of this nature does not always heal perfectly. Subtract one from your Attack Modifier as your reactions are not what they were. Restore your Endurance points to 18. Refusing sedatives, you are soon ready to board the hovrail. Turn to 169.

Turn to 169