Caught by surprise Lord Silvermane's powerful body falls over your leg largely under his own momentum. With a shout of alarm he turns to look at you only to find your blaster inches from his face. 'With respect sir, I must again ask, where are you going?'

Barely controlling his rage he says: 'I have come for an important document, kept in the safest place I know of here on Earth, my Time Machine.' The hatch opens in response to his mind scanner and he directs you to a document holder. Looking inside you can see that it contains the blueprints of some of the most advanced Rigellian technology together with information which shows that Silvermane is carrying out a technology trade to the mutual benefit of both Earth and Rigel Prime. 'Thank you,' says Silvermane, taking the documents from you. 'I must be at the Galactic Trade Centre within the hour. Your career with TIME has been a short one has it not?' Realising that you will be powerless if your security code clearance with CAIN is stopped you decide to take a risk and tell him of your mission. He listens, at first with impatience which changes to alarm. Then I shall defer court martial, but I expect a full report of the investigation which I am sure Agidy Yelov will commission.' He turns to leave, then pauses. 'Lord Speke bears investigation if I am not mistaken,' and with that he strides to the exit of the Vault. You return to Falcon's Wing. Turn to 119.

Turn to 119