You have taken them by surprise and they both slump to the floor. You step over them and go through the door. Inside is a bedchamber, and sitting on a large litter, swaddled in silks and furs, is Ogedai Khan, still weak from his illness. He looks up, his narrow eyes questioning your purpose. Golden statues, chests of treasure and tapestries line the walls. Silk awnings close off the balcony at the back of the room. Knowing what must be done and hoping to make his death look natural, you place a silken cushion over Ogedai's face and press down. His hands scrabble feebly at yours, but he is too weak to resist. His face turns blue as he dies. You leave the room, hoping to slip back out to the flyer without being seen. Make a Chance Roll.

1,2,3 Turn to 170
4,5,6 Turn to 127