You hurtle away from Karakorum and soon see a greyness on the horizon ahead of you. When the flyer slows down near Vienna you are in daylight once more, but the sun is low in the sky. The flyer descends gently into Falcon's Wing and the launch doors open automatically and the crash couch swivels and slides down into position before the instrument console. CAIN greets you with the information that the flyer you sensed leaving Karakorum as you arrived there returned to the Time Machine that you located near to your own. This machine then winked out, but another has recently arrived. Next CAIN flashes up a camera shot of the ground outside Falcon's Wing and you see Special Agent Bloodhound, focussing his holo-detector. You descend to the frost-rimed ground, greeting him. Bloodhound's news is that Yelov summoned him after he had returned to the Eiger Vault and reported you dead. When Bloodhound arrived, Yelov was deep in thought, studying a map of Borodino, a battle that took place on Earth in the year 1812 AD. As the doors slid open to allow Bloodhound in, Yelov had covered the map over, hut not before the agent had caught sight of it. He entrusted Bloodhound with a message capsule, instructing him to open it in the hovrail on his way back to the Eiger Vault and then asked him how it was, if he had killed you, that Falcon had been reported as being alive in Earth's past at the time of the Golden Horde. Bloodhound feigned innocence and threw the message capsule away, after checking it, and finding that it was a bomb designed to kill him. He travelled straight to the time of the Golden Horde in the hope of meeting you and suggests you both travel to Earth, 1812 AD, where there is a Timehole situated conveniently close to Borodino, making it easy for the Renegade Lord to change the past. Do you:

Do as he suggests and go forward to Borodino? Turn to 416
Counter his suggestion and persuade him to come back to Earth in 3033 AD with you to confront Yelov? Turn to 261