You call up the Free Fall Recreation Centre at Spiro's Ringworld, a massive wheel-like world-in-miniature, orbiting earth. Their holo-coordinator seems to appear in your Time Machine. She is a striking girl, her skin tinted blue with orange flashes. She puts you through to Lord Pilota's personal assistant. He is a bony, hollow-cheeked man, showing signs of the Medawar Syndrome, the onset of rapid ageing. You identify yourself and ask for Her Lordship and the hologram winks out momentarily When the holo-picture of the assistant reappears, he says, 'Lord Pilota is temporarily indisposed. Under no circumstances may she be contacted at the moment. If you would care to visit Spiro's Ringworld, however, she will be pleased to grant you immediate audience, as she. believes she has some information which may interest you, as an Agent of the TIME Police.' With that, he breaks contact and the blue-skinned coordinator informs you that the line has been closed to all callers and asks, 'What is that weird space ship you're in?' CAIN informs you that by requisitioning a shuttle from the Eiger Base you could dock at Spiro's Ringworld in eighteen minutes. Ignoring the holo- coordinator, do you:
Set off for Spiro's Ringworld? Choose another course?
Turn to 335 Return to 336 and choose again.