
LIVES:Kelados Complex, Biscay, Earth


Keladi with mental powers are extremely rare. Kirik is looked upon as a mutant because of his powers and is considered 'outside caste', or classless. The metropolitan libraries all carry the rows of books needed to explain the complicated social etiquette of the Keladi. The Keladi see members of all other species, including Earthers, as below or 'outside' caste. The effect that rejection by his own class has had on Kirik is unknown. It is thought that he greatly enjoys his position is a Lord of TIME and hence as a Keladi envoy, as this gives him some standing in his home world. As with all Keladi, he has a voracious appetite and a fiery temper and retains their obsession with etiquette and politeness.


Kelados. Dominant race: Keladi. Population: 4.357 billion. Habitat: temperate seas. The surface of Kelados is 95% water and intelligent life abounds within the warm seas. Kelados is rich in a great variety of marine organisms.

Diplomatic History

In 2664 a diplomatic mission from Earth gave the Keladi all the information they needed to become a space-faring race. Since that time there have been no wars amongst the Keladi. In 2710, however, a series of frontier incidents sparked off by Earther pirate ships almost resulted in war, largely due to the fact that the Keladi could not understand that the actions of a few criminals, the pirates, did not involve the rest of their 'clan' - Earth. The envoy, Korakiik, averted war through his realisation that the pirates were 'outside caste', not true representatives of Earth. Lork Kirik, too, understands this difference.

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