
BORN:Rigel Prime, 2700 AD
LIVES:Centridome, Asteroid Belt, Sol System


Aged, even for a Rigellian, Silvermane is the survivor of a long struggle for power on the world of Rigel Prime. Still fit and strong, he is a shrewd opponent and a pleasant comrade. He upholds the Rigellian code of honour and is proud both of himself and of his race, seeing his role as a Lord of TIME as being to further the causes of Rigel Prime. He has a liking for spartan discomfort which is often thought bizarre by Earthers.


Rigel Prime is a large, high-gravity world covered by farmland ranges. The population is 30.131 billion. Silvermane's tribe is in power but occasional differences are settled through ritual combat, no longer to the death, between chosen tribal champions. The Rigellians' culture is based upon the code of the warrior and physical strength is still prized.

Diplomatic History

The Rigellians developed space travel in the 1890s and first contacted Earther spaceships in 2152. There was a long history of minor frontier wars as both Rigel and Earth staked claim to various barren planets useful only for the easily mined asteroids which surrounded them. These were eventually settled after the Battle of The Flying Coffins, notable because less than 10% of the personnel involved survived it. Rigel joined the Federation soon afterwards. The Rigellians assisted the Earthers in the great Hive war and without their help the war might have been lost.

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