[Score a G]

Bloodhound suggests that the first move should be to find Napoleon and as you set out with him, towards Napoleon's Command Post at the hamlet of Shevardino, the French troops begin to press home their attack: Davout's infantry, in massed blue columns, storm the redoubt upon which the Russian guns are mounted and Ney prepares to send his troops against the nearby village. Smoke from the guns rolls across the battlefield and the crackle of muskets is incessant. Your fleet horses carry you swiftly towards Napoleon and his staff, who are out of range of the Russian cannon. There are perhaps fifty generals and other staff around the Emperor, many holding spy-glasses to their eyes, the better to follow the course of the battle. In the background is a magnificent squadron of twenty-five light cavalry, dressed in green, red and gold - the Chasseurs a Cheval of the Old Guard, Napoleon's personal escort. You rein in close to a group of aides-de-camp dressed similarly to yourselves, as if awaiting instructions. Your Psychic Awareness cannot find anyone else with mental powers. The Emperor looks pale and unwell, complaining of a headache and as you watch he dismounts and sits down on a folding chair. As he does so, his escorts also dismount and fix bayonets. Bloodhound turns to you and suggests that you go in search of the Renegade Lord, whilst he stays with Napoleon. Do you:

Stay with Bloodhound? Turn to 82
Check out the battle lines and search for the Renegade Lord? Turn to 206