Despite the fall of Clone, they come on, howling for revenge and you are faced with a solid wall of spiked steel. You are dashed backwards into Machine's bike and before you can pull yourself up, one of them turns off his hover rotor, allowing his bike to settle heavily on your legs. Several others dismount, laughing cruelly. You stare at the spiked metal-capped boots which soon start to kick you senseless. Grabbing your helmet, they leave you for dead. Lose 16 Endurance points. If you are still alive, you cannot use your mental powers until you have taken a new helmet from the equipment locker of your Time Machine.

You wake up in the Health Executive Hospital, a medtech orderly bending over you, saying, 'We've put you back together again - Rapid Tissue Regeneration. I'm afraid you may find a slight weakness in the right knee. Subtract one from your Evasion Modifier but restore your Endurance to 18. Declining further sedation you discharge yourself from the hospital and board a hovrail car in the Vault. Leaving the car at the Eiger Vault you walk to the Checkpoint outside the enormous plasteel doors where your ID chip is checked and the Mind Scanner is used to double check that you are Falcon. You step through a small personnel door, past two security droids and into the cavern which houses the TimeMachines and the Research Section of TIME. The area in which the machines are kept is partitioned at intervals and you head straight for your own bay. In the centre of the bay which is lined on three sides with racks carrying maintenance equipment, spare parts, the Variac Drive Recharger and sundry other useful items, lies Falcon's Wing. You approach the Access Hatch and the Mind Scanner lights up red and then green and you are drawn up into the machine by invisible Tractor Beams, activated by CAIN. Soon you are standing on the glowing Access Disc and CAIN chimes, 'Welcome, Falcon.' Turn to 210.

Turn to 210