You splash your way into the pond and grab for the rope ladder which is hanging from your flyer. Shouts ring out behind you and an arrow hits you in the bottom as you climb. You pull it out but are losing blood. Lose 4 Endurance points. Panting, you kneel in the cockpit and fire up the flyer's Drive and the ladder slowly retracts. The flyer rocks unsteadily as if the stabilisers were malfunctioning. Looking down, you see the dark eyes, wide with fright, of a Mongol guard swinging from the ladder, a torch burning in his hand. You dip the flyer down across the pool, plunging him into the water and the flyer bucks skyward as he falls from the ladder. Realising that all of the guards on the ground are now alerted you decide to risk hovering above the palace roof, hoping to find the balcony on which Ogedai appeared earlier. Turn to 28.

Turn to 28