He leaps at you as you grab for your blaster and trigger it just in time. A lancing white bolt of superheated plasma eats into the cydroid's chest. Sparks fly and there is the unmistakeable tang of vaporised metals. A nearby Plasma Sensor begins to flash and the siren of a Citpol jetcopter wails as the cydroid buckles, short- circuiting in a sea of sparks, before falling inert. You have been fighting a machine. You examine it, but the damage is too severe for you to gain a clue as to its origins, before two Enforcers alight from their 'copter, pointing their stun-lances at you. 'Let's see your ID.' You produce your ID chip and hand it to the one who spoke, still covered by the other. He clips it into his Remote Access Terminal (RAT) on his arm and a look of disappointment crosses his features, as he realises who you are. 'What's been going on here?' he says. You report exactly what happened and he returns your chip and turns to examine the cydroid. Turn to 137.

Turn to 137