The French have begun to launch an attack on the great earthen ramparts which the Russians are defending, and along the left- hand end of the Russian line. Great columns of blue-coated soldiers toil uphill towards their green-jacketed enemies. The guns roar and belch smoke and the crackle of musket fire begins. Both sides have magnificently dressed cavalry. Some of these, called Cuirassiers, after the metal breastplate they wear, are big men mounted on what are almost cart-horses. Your own horses, bays, are much nimbler and more fleet of foot, and resemble those nearest to you, a battalion of Polish lancers under Prince Poniatowski's command. Their lance pennants, blue and white, flutter in the wind. Bloodhound asks whether you think it would be better to split up in order to search the battlefield more quickly or to stay together in case of danger. Do you:

Decide to split up? Turn to 408
Stay together? Turn to 419